Friday, September 3, 2010

The Little Mermaid part II.

...The Little Mermaid visits the Sea Witch, who sells her a potion that gives her legs, in exchange for her tongue The Sea Witch warns, however, that once she becomes a human, she will never be able to return to the sea. Drinking the potion will make her feel as if a sword is being passed through her, yet when she recovers she will have two beautiful legs, and will be able to dance like no human has ever danced before. However, it will constantly feel like she is walking on sharp swords, and her feet will bleed most terribly. In addition, she will only get a soul if the prince loves her and marries her, for then a part of his soul will flow into her. Otherwise, at dawn on the first day after he marries another woman, the Little Mermaid will die brokenhearted and disintegrate into sea foam. he Little Mermaid drinks the potion and meets the prince, who is attracted to her beauty and grace even though she is mute. Most of all he likes to see her dance, and she dances for him despite her excruciating pain. When the prince's father orders his son to marry the neighboring king's daughter, the prince tells the Little Mermaid he will not, because he does not love the princess. He goes on to say he can only love the young woman from the temple, who he believes rescued him, but adds that the Little Mermaid is beginning to take the temple girl's place in his heart. It turns out that the princess is the temple girl, who had been sent to the temple to be educated. The prince loves her and the wedding is announced.
The prince and princess marry, and the Little Mermaid's heart breaks. She thinks of all that she has given up and of all the pain she has suffered. She despairs, thinking of the death that awaits her, but before dawn, her sisters bring her a knife that the Sea Witch has given them in exchange for their long hair. If the Little Mermaid slays the prince with the knife and lets his blood drip on her feet, she will become a mermaid again, all her suffering will end and she will live out her full life.
The Little Mermaid cannot bring herself to kill the sleeping prince lying with his bride and, as dawn breaks, throws herself into the sea. Her body dissolves into foam, but instead of ceasing to exist, she feels the warmth of the sun; she has turned into a spirit, a daughter of the air. The other daughters of the air tell her she has become like them because she strove with all her heart to gain an eternal soul. She will earn her own soul by doing good deeds, and she will eventually rise up into the kingdom of God.

Alla fine decide di recarsi dalla Strega del Mare, che le vende una pozione che le consentirà di avere le gambe come gli umani, in cambio della voce, così le taglia la lingua; inoltre camminare sarà come essere trapassata dai coltelli. Però se il principe s'innamorerà di lei e la sposerà, la Sirenetta otterrà di avere un'anima; se sposerà un'altra, la Sirenetta morirà di crepacuore trasformandosi in schiuma. La Sirenetta beve la pozione e incontra il principe, che è attratto dalla bellezza e dalla grazia della fanciulla. La Sirenetta purtroppo non può parlare, e l'affetto del principe per lei non si trasforma in vero amore. Un giorno il principe si reca in un regno vicino in cerca di una moglie. Si scopre che la figlia del re di quel regno è la ragazza che aveva trovato il principe sulla spiaggia dopo il naufragio. Il principe si ricorda di lei come di colei che l'aveva salvato, se ne innamora e presto le nozze vengono annunciate. La Sirenetta è disperata. Quando giunge la notte di nozze, le sue sorelle le consegnano un pugnale magico che hanno comprato per lei dalla Strega del Mare in cambio dei loro capelli. Se la Sirenetta ucciderà il principe con quel pugnale, potrà sopravvivere e tornare a essere una sirena. La Sirenetta si rifiuta di farlo e si lancia in mare, dissolvendosi in schiuma. La sua bontà viene però premiata; anziché morire, la Sirenetta diventa una figlia dell'aria, un essere invisibile, con la promessa di ottenere un'anima e volare in Paradiso dopo 300 anni di buone azioni. Ma per ogni bambino buono che riuscirà a trovare le verrà risparmiato un anno di attesa; per ogni bambino cattivo invece piangerà, e aggiungerà un giorno per ogni lacrima.


  1. Love this three series of images. Especially the BW.

  2. I really really reeeeaaaally LOVE your blog! :) It's perfect, fantastic, awesome! Wow, I'm almost speechless... I like all your pictures, your visions are great and I hope you'll post new ideas and impressions soon! ;)

    Love, Cay, your new follower

  3. I thank you so much, and hope to take other pictures that will like you all :-)

  4. I love these pics they are really beautiful!
